Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Acta entry 5, 6 & 7

Module 3: Prepare and Facilitate a Learning Experience

E-Portfolio Entry 5
Pictures and videos of the learning resources or environment with accompanying explanation and reflection on:
·                  Training resources and materials

1   PowerPoint slides and Videos of delivery (based on classroom practices) with accompanying explanation and reflection showing evidence of:

Promoting active learning
- Reflective questions were asked at different times during the delivery

Engaging learners using verbal and non-verbal communication skills
- I engaged my learners through verbal phrases such as  "Yes, you are right" as well as non-verbally when I look at them, nod in response to what they were sharing with me.

Using media purposefully
- I used a video: Actual site scene is a Cognitive Process to engage the learners to practise their observational skills.

Active listening
- I responded to all the learners when they took turns to share their reflections or give input to the discussion topic questions; for example during the quiz time, I gave examples to elaborate my point in the question.

Managing feedback
- I acknowledged feedback given by the learners and trainer, e.g. the delivery was too fast, I have to re-do again. I also skip the ice-breaker, and was given feedback that I have to do the ice-breaker.  One learner commented he see nothing in the video and I responded to him to wait for the 2nd  part of video viewing and he will be able to follow the lesson.
Managing group dynamics
- All learners were given opportunities to participate throughout the session.

Helping learners to review and retain learning
- I conducted a debrief to review what was shared and to reinforce the principles introduced during the retention and transfer questioning and answering session at Gagne 9.
Discussing transfer of learning to workplace
- Learners were asked to reflect on the principles learned and how they can apply their workplace. One or two were able to answer before I flash all the examples like being accurate, honest, timeline conscious etc

Prepare training venue before facilitation by checking all following areas meet relevant safety and health requirements.

Training Venue .
The training venue is at Learning Institute classroom and was checked prior to the training session to ensure that there are no health or safety issues.  The building security and safety measures are in place and well regulated. The equipment such as Television screen, wifi and internet connection were also checked in advance to ensure that these are in working condition.
During the presentation, I had encountered some difficulty while using the clicker. I was unfamiliar with the function of the clicker.  The video volume was too low and I am unable to adjust it. Nonetheless, I told the class to read the text on the video.  


TV screen


TV screen









Contingency Plan
Venue: It is possible that a change in venue on the day of the training session. I usually would go early, at least an hour before schedule to prepare for contingency planning. As all the rooms are well equipped with TV screen and tables and chairs, change of room will have minimal impact to my facilitation.

Equipment and furniture

Equipment: learners only sit at their respective place assigned as I have already identify the learners’ profile and group them. No lap-tops or stationary are required. I place the necessary stationary like marker, pen, flipchart paper and writing paper on each group’s table. Also adjusted the lighting as there are video watching and ensure air-conditioned room is not too cold.
The clicker was a last minute decision to use it and it was not working properly, so I just stand near the screen during facilitating.

·        Logistic Checklist

6a - Create conducive learning environment to promote active learning.
6a) An active learning environment was created (during facilitation) by attending to all the 8 qualities of active learning. Refer Video on 2nd facilitation session

Create conducive learning environment by promoting all the following:

·        Moderate level of content (Friday 09-03-2018 9:40 – 10.10am)

Break content into manageable segments

Activities planned are in small chunks of 15 - 30 minutes as shown in the lesson plan.

Present materials in a logical order and sequence

I applied Gagne’s nine events of instruction in my facilitating. For example in Gagne Step 4 – Presenting the stimulus material, the video study to the real-life situation contextualizes the study problem and makes it more understandable. 
Gagne Step 5 – Providing learning guidance, in the group discussion, the group of candidates is given a topic or a situation, given a few minutes to think about the same, and then asked to discuss the topic among themselves for 5-10 minutes. It is a systematic, logical learning process where learners create, analyze and evaluate their own study.

Present materials in order of increasing difficulty
I started with open practise session in Gagne 3, follow by video study and group discussion in Gagne 4 & 5; the 2nd activity is a deeper level of learning as it requires learners to apply strategy to what they have learned in prior lessons.
·        Balance among affective, behavioral and cognitive learning (Friday 09-03-2018 9:40 – 10.10am)

Adult learners come with different learning styles (tactile, auditory, kinaesthetic and visual) and trainers need to plan activities that allow for active learning amongst learners.
Keeping this reflection in mind, I attempted to provide a variety of approaches and instructional methods -  video screenings for cognitive learners, didactic questioning and discussion for affective learners; role play and fun quiz for behavioural learners.
I made effort to ensure that there are opportunities for the learners to discuss and share their knowledge with one another.  Learners are encouraged to explain their points and how they could apply what they have learnt.

·        Variety of learning approaches (Friday 09-03-2018 9:40 – 10.10am)

Provide a variety of instructional methods and activities. A variety of instructional methods and activities such as video screenings, didactic questioning, discussion, role play and fun quiz are incorporated into the lesson so as to cater to the learner’s diverse learning styles.  

·        Opportunities for group participation (Friday 09-03-2018 9:40 – 10.10am)

I use the adult -centred approach to learning in my facilitation. In such approach, facilitator and students play an equally active role in the learning process. I facilitated students’ learning and overall comprehension of material by using PowerPoint slides and video screening, and to measure student learning through both formal and informal forms of assessment, in group projects like role play and class participation in open and small group discussion.  

·        Utilization of participants’ expertise (Friday 09-03-2018 9:45 – 10.05am)
Use their experiences and video study to recap their experience when doing group discussion. I also group them based on complementing strengths and weaknesses. I use group discussion so that they can share experiences (e.g. give learners five minutes to list things down, discuss in group and then one representative to summarize).

·        Recycling of earlier learned concepts and skills(Friday 09-03-2018 10.00 – 10.05am)

Review materials and repetition for learning retention
I used fun quiz questions that engaged learners’ critical thinking to review materials and retain earlier learned information.

·        Real-life problem solving (Friday 09-03-2018 9:50 – 10.00am)

The 2nd activity on role play is a deeper level of learning as it requires learners to apply strategy to what they have learned in prior lessons. The principles learned here can be applied to their real life problem solving, for example listening and negotiation skills, how they respond to one another and the strategy applied to close the deal like ability to meet clients’ requirements. I also emphasize that building relationship through entertainment is acceptable but not collusion.

·        Allowance for future planning (Friday 09-03-2018 10:10 – 10.11am)

There is evaluation at the end of facilitating where the class are asked to complete the evaluation form. This will provide feedback to trainer to improve on future lesson plan and facilitating skill to meet the needs of learning.

Self Reflection, Peer & facilitator review on active learning environment

I realized that the content was too heavy. Peer and facilitator agreed on this point too. I would have lightened on content and introduce more activities or allow more time on the 2 activities and video play. 
I was generally aware of the learners profile and have grouped them based on their strengths and weaknesses during the activities so that there is a balance of different characteristics in each group to contribute meaningfully.

However, I have not given much thought to their work experience when designing the lesson plan. I realized later that most of them are from Institutions or Public sector. They also have not much private or commercial sector experience or overseas exposure. So during facilitation, I have kicked in more explanation and sharing on my personal work experience in Shanghai. Also for the video play on first learning outcome, I would have introduced picture slides instead of video as picture slides is visual and clear presenting of information whereas video plays require more of cognitive and related experience for learning.

6b) Demonstrate verbal and non-verbal communication skills to engage learners.
The following communication skills were applied during facilitation
Engage learners during facilitation by demonstrating:
·        One verbal skill (Friday 09-03-2018 9:50 – 9.55am)

 I elaborated by giving example when learner do not understand; for example that 5 star hotel use pillow with down feather instead of foam and carpet 100% wool instead of nylon. Then one learner asked what is down feather, and another learner told her is goose feather. I encouraged question and answer session where learners can speak up and help one another.  
·        One non-verbal skill (Friday 09-03-2018 10:00 – 10.05am)

During debrief on activity 2, I mentioned that entertainment is acceptable but not collusion, and that China believes in “guanxi”, building relationship through entertainment. One learner asked; “can entertainment expenses be built in tender”.  I did not replied her at first as I am a consultant working for clients’ interest. When she asked again, I told her to check with her boss. Discretion is needed and facilitator do not have to provide every question student ask.
Self Reflection, Peer & facilitator review
Dealing with questions in a presentation is a skill which I have to master. I would have acknowledged her by smiling at her so that she would not asked again or would have try saying something like:
“Let’s put that to one side and you and I can chat about it later.” Or even:
“I like to get on with the presentation, let’s talk about this later.”
Facilitator also commented that my verbal and non-verbal communication skill with learners is lacking as she noticed I did not maintained eye contact with the learners. I need to work on this shortfall and endeavour to improve through much practices.

Apply active listening skills during facilitation by demonstrating one of the following:
Listen attentively (Friday 09-03-2018 10:00 – 10.05am)

When my learners responded to the questions posed during quiz time, I quietly listened to what they were saying and acknowledged their responses verbally by saying; “Yes, she is right” and then gave examples or explained the point. Expressing our thoughts and listening to each other engender a trusting, stronger bond between facilitator/learners. For example be present with full undivided attention on the conversation at hand and listening allows both sides to feel respected.  
·        Ignore distractions (Friday 09-03-2018 9:45 – 10.00am)

There was a distructive learner who kept asking questions at the beginning of lesson. I choose to ignore him. Ignoring distructive learner is one good technique but I did addressed his subsequent questions. If I kept ignoring him, he may disturb the class further.

Self Reflection, Peer & facilitator review

Peer & facilitator commented that I have poor listening skill. I knew about this myself as I am an impatient person. However I have strong awareness of myself and surrounding people. I can study situation and people very well. I suppose this is my strength and I was able to adapt and motivate the learners and kept the activities moving even the learners would not finish the whole activities.

6c - Conduct learning activities to help learners achieve learning outcomes.
Conducted learning activities according to the activity sheet designed under M2
·        Open sharing session (Friday 09-03-2018 9:43 – 9.45am)
·        Group discussion(Friday 09-03-2018 9:47 – 9.50am)
·        Video Screening(Friday 09-03-2018 9:45 – 9.47am & 9.52 – 9.54am)
·        Role Play(Friday 09-03-2018 9:55 – 10.05am)
·        Quiz(Friday 09-03-2018 10:05 – 10.13am)
·        Didactic Questioning(Friday 09-03-2018 10:03 – 10.06am)

I started with an open sharing session on what they understand about the word “tender in construction” means, before the lesson proper.
I did a video play followed by group discussion. The question for discussion was how to differentiate interior design works and why having an eye for details and design is important to tendering of luxury hotel projects.

I also did a video play followed by role play. The theme for the role play was tender interview and contractors to apply strategy to winning tender of a luxury hotel project.

I summarized the facilitating by having a fun quiz questions that are designed to help them reviewed and retained the earlier learned materials.

Self Reflection, Peer & facilitator review

I have designed this facilitating lesson to be interactive and fun. Facilitator had commented that I have infused some fun and was able to laugh it off during the class. Given more time, I have confidence that this lesson plan can be executed in a much more meaningful and enjoyable experimential learning experience for the learners.

Demonstrate 6 facilitation skills in the process of facilitating the above-mentioned learning activity:
·        Manage group process, Motivate participation and Direct participants’ activities(Friday 09-03-2018 9:47 – 9.48am)

In the process of facilitating the 1st activity on group discussion. For example, when I noticed that participants were distracted and non-participative, I went to them and realized that my powerpoint slide was distracting them, so I flashed the first example on the powerpoint and asked them to proceed with discussion. I was able to direct them back to discussion and kept the activity going.

·        Keep the activity moving and Keep learners involved(Friday 09-03-2018 9:47 – 9.48am)
However, despite that I failed to gave clear instruction to the two activities, to engage them to write their points onto the flipchart when they were conducting the role play and discussion.  Nonetheless, Kelly was able to explain the take away very well on the 1st activity. She has good visual and cognitive ability to pick up information from the video screening. Where I noticed most were not able to and one said he see nothing. I realized video screening is not a good tool in this learning as most learners were from Public or Institution sector of work. I would have used picture slides instead as it is more clear and to the point. For video play as learning tool, you need to process the information after watching. Overall, the sharing from the active learners help the other learners to move along the activities smoothly

·        Show enthusiasm (Friday 09-03-2018 9:43 – 10.06am)
I applied the principle of active listening by maintaining a friendly demeanour and showing interest in what the learners shared after which I provided my own input.  Learners' input was acknowledged and I elaborated on their points to provide additional knowledge and learning.
·        Conduct debrief (Friday 09-03-2018 9:43 - 10.00am)
I conducted debrief on the two activities. I summarized the two learning outcome by showing clear bulleted pointers on PowerPoint slides and gave further examples on every points.
·        Reinforce their involvement (Friday 09-03-2018 9:47 – 10.06am)
I responded to all the learners when they took turns to share their reflections or give input to the discussion topic questions; for example during the quiz time, I gave examples to elaborate my point in the question to reinforce their learning.
Self Reflection, Peer & facilitator review

I felt that my facilitation skills need much improvement and practise in order to deliver a more enjoyable learning experience for the learners. I need to foster good communication skills through eye contact with my learners so that they feel more involved with me through the whole process of unfolding the learning in a more effective and fulfilling way. The two activities were not given sufficient time for them to fully immersed in the process and exploring on more concepts and options.

6d - Manage group dynamics to help learners achieve learning outcomes.
Manage group dynamics to help learners achieve learning outcome by displaying 2 of the following:
·        Encourage learners to express themselves(Friday 09-03-2018 10:03 – 10.06am)
I encourage my learners to answer questions during reflective sharing of quiz and retention/ transfer questions that I showed on the powerpoint slides. Though they were hesitant but was encouraging to see few who were not afraid to give it a try.
Asking questions (Friday 09-03-2018 9:53 – 10.06am)
I acknowledged every questions asked and this facilitating behaviour is a non verbal signal
to my learners to asking more questions. I actually prefer my class to be noisy than silent.
Self Reflection, Peer & facilitator review
 I realized that in Asian culture, learners are not so spontaneous at open question session. They preferred to writing and put in jar, as identity of answers given will not be known. However, this method of engaging learners, I will not able to assess their performance.
I also realized that I have forgottened to verbally tell them that I do welcome questions during lesson and not at the end. I noticed that most were afraid to interrupt and ask questions. Probably they deemed this as disrespectful.
Manage disruptive learners during the facilitation by displaying 2 of the following
·        Ignore distraction (Friday 09-03-2018 9:43 – 9.56am)

      There was a distructive learner who kept asking questions at the beginning of lesson. I choose to ignore him. Ignoring destructive learner is one good technique but I did addressed his subsequent question. If I kept ignoring him, he may disturb the class further.

·        Use good natured humour (Friday 09-03-2018 9:53 – 10.06am)
I was the least disturbed by his constant disturbing the class. In fact, I welcome learners who asked questions during the lesson and not at the end. I can choose to response appropriately. For example, Brian the distructive learner said during the role play “ no need tender interview, entertainment!”; I replied in good nature humour, “yes, I will touched on that later”. I connected with the distructive learner whenever necessary and remain calm throughout. Throughout the facilitating, I was light hearted and laughed along with them.  

Self Reflection, Peer & facilitator review

Facilitator commented that I can manage the disruptive learner well. But actually it was not a conscious effort on my part to manage the disruptive learner. Silence makes me nervous and I like a noisy class. At times I was too busy facilitating, I would ignored him and then addressed him later while the class was busy on the activities.

6e - Use media to help learners achieve learning outcomes.
·        Use at least 1 of the following media to help learners achieve learning outcomes:      (Friday 09-03-2018 9:43 – 10.06am)
I used Powerpoint slides and included two video plays in the facilitating. I also use flipchart for group  discussion.
The powerpoint slides if prepared well is an engaging active instructional learning tool as it is interesting and easy to see and understand with bulleted pointers and big font wordings and graphics.

Self Reflection, Peer & facilitator review

I feel that video screening is not a powerful tool for beginner learners who are new to the topic. It requires a deeper capability from learners to pick up the information from video play that I intended for learning. Picture slides will be a more specific learning method and far more effective tool to unfold my first learning outcome as pictures are clear and self explanatory, for example if I display two different types of pillow, one with down feather infill and another with foam, learners can easily differentiate the quality of the two pillows.
One learner commented that the way the powerpoint slides were prepared was interesting, for example at the Gagne 3 and 9 slides where I posed the questions on the slides, and then flashed out the answer one by one.

Facilitator commented that I had not provided enough clear instructions to the learners on the activities. I realized that I have rushed through the instructions and may have omitted some pointers in the instructions. However the instructions are short and clear on the powerpoint slide. Questions were handled to role players so that they can concentrate on the role play instead of looking at the slide constantly.

6f - Facilitate learners’ identification of opportunities for transfer of learning to workplace
·        Help learners apply transfer of learning to workplace by creating 1 opportunity during facilitation: (Friday 09-03-2018 10:03 – 10.06am)
Learners were asked to share how they can transfer what they learned, the principles and strategy to their workplace. One or two shared and I further showed them in my slide, the principles and strategy learned such as being innovative and resourceful, accurate and quality in work, being honest, timeline conscious etc can be applied in their workplace. I also shared during facilitation how I applied “Guanxi” building relationship when I was working in China, that I did went out to entertain the China Officials with good food and beer.

 Self Reflection, Peer & facilitator review
I felt that I have imparted the principles of this whole learning experience well and also explain how they can transfer these principles back to apply at their workplace. The lesson plan were designed not based on text-book theory but through my years of accumulated experience and wisdom.
6g Apply strategies to help learners review and retain learning.
·        Apply 1 activity to help learners review and retain learning: (Friday 09-03-2018 9:43 – 10.06am)

·                  Demonstration – I demonstrated where necessary; for example in activity 1 when learners were distracted.
·                  Hands-on activity – I involved learners’ full participation in all activities
·                  Questioning – the questioning at retention and transfer was aimed to help learners to practise what they had learned and share how to transfer to workplace.  
·                  Quizzes – it was done in a fun way and yet able to illicit and review learning as they had to ponder and answer the questions. The questions are designed to cover all the learning outcome.  
·                  Feedback – As learners attempted the quiz questions, I provided feedback by giving more examples to reinforce their learning.  
·                  Reflection – the quiz questions and retention/transfer is a time of reflection on the materials picked up in the lesson.
·                  Learning review/Debrief – I provided summarized debrief for the learning outcome to direct learners to review their learning.
·                  Peer Teaching - one of the best ways to improve understanding is to teach material to a peer. This was done in role play where learners learned from each other through question answer process of interview.  
Self Reflection, Peer & facilitator review
On Gagne 9 on retention/transfer, I would have used my peer’s method by asking learners to write their answer on note-pad and put in individual jug, then get them to pick one and read out to the class. This is an excellent method as it allows total participation and also full self reflective and retention as they ponder on the questions before they write.
·        Apply effective questioning techniques by posing 1 type of question to help learners review and retain learning: (Friday 09-03-2018 10:03 – 10.06am)
·        Open-end question
·        Close-ended question
·        Follow-up question

I used the following fun quiz questions as shown below. The fun quiz is designed in such a way that every question is an open ended question. This method of questioning allows critical thinking and forces learners to think deeper and is a meaningful and fun way to retain learning.   

Self Reflection, Peer & facilitator review
I felt that the case study question through fun quiz was an engaging and fun way for learners to review and retent learning. It is practical and relative to experience or work than boring text book based questions.

·        Apply principles of giving and receiving feedback by showing 1 facilitation skill to help learners review and retain learning: (Friday 09-03-2018 10:03 – 10.06am)

Some of the principles of giving and receiving feedback that I would apply in my facilitation :
When receiving feedback or answering questions: 
• Listen, do not talk until I’ve heard the other person out.
• Try to stay engaged, maintaining eye contact.

When giving feedback: 
• To provide clarity and understanding to the question by giving examples

I used the following fun quiz reflective questions as shown below. The fun quiz is a good way to engage learners to recollect what they have learned, reviewed and retained learning. I will show the learners that I’m listening and would reply “ you are right, you have a good point”, and then explain further by giving more examples to reinforce learning.


Self Reflection, Peer & facilitator review
I felt that I lack in the following :
When receiving feedback or answering to the questions: 
• I started to talk before I’ve heard the other person out in answering the question.
• I did not stay engaged by maintaining eye contact with the person who was answering the question.

The questions on the slide were clear but I had forgotten to tell them that this is a case study questions and all examples given are hypothetical. Some had asked for clarity and understanding to some of the questions

Entry 7
Adjust lesson plan in response to learners’ progress to help learners achieve learning outcomes.
Video on the 2nd facilitation session.
Self, peer and facilitator review on how at least one adjustment to the lesson plan to help learners achieve learning outcomes during 2nd training delivery.
Provide rationale for the proposed adjustment(s).
Self Reflection after Facilitating
When I design this lesson plan, I intended for it to be fun, interactive (that’s why I have many open question/answer practise session), and then followed by more serious session like group discussion and role play to motivate learners in an active learning environment. However I noticed the response to open answering session was not so encouraging except for few learners and the distructive learner who turned out to be positive to me as he asked alot of questions.
I realized that the content was too long like the fun quiz and retention at Gagne 6 &7, it should be shortened by half. The retention and transfer were designed to be done in write on stick-note to be pasted on wall and then read it out but due to time factor, I have just carried out in an open class answering session. I would shortened to just two questions, and get the learners to write it on a notepad and put it in 2 jars. I would then have them picked up and read the answer on the notepad to the class. This method of write and “say it out” is a double reinforcement to retention.
The 2nd learning outcome on differentiating interior design works, the 1.5min video play was too short, as one of the learners said he “see nothing”. However I would have introduced in Gagne 3 picture slides on all good design works like pillow with down feather, 100% wool carpet, teakwood furniture etc. Pictures are visual and self-explanatory. Video screening need more visual and cognitive skill to process information.
The PowerPoint slide on the above learning outcome (Gagne 5), background of this slide was distracting, I should have window or blank background instead of words. I saw some looking so hard at the powerpoint slide instead of diving straight into discussion.
The tender interview role play was not up to my expectation, both sides too courteous, not enough drama. I would have connected them to their experience of closing house sale. It is the same process, the bargaining, negotiation skill all in play here. Also should play video on interviewing process instead of hotel site visit. I can then use Gagne 3, the picture slides on good design works again to remind them on the standard and quality expected. This would probably set them on a higher energy and right platform in this role play.
Because of time factor I did not complete the full ice breaker which I have design for. I have only realized later that ice breaker is not just to get to know one another but also to energize the learners especially on a Friday morning.

How did you adjust your lesson plan to meet your learners' needs during the delivery of the lesson?

Make 1 adjustment during facilitation to the lesson plan to facilitate learners’ progress:
Provide additional examples and illustrations
Adjust timing of training
Vary manner, pace or level of facilitation
Choose a more time efficient facilitation method
Use small group discussion
Use flip chart if projector malfunctions
Use appropriate language translations
Summarise with flow-charts

Provide additional examples and illustrations

I make adjustment to quiz session by delivery in an interactive fun way of addressing the dry topics. I also provided feedback to every quiz answer to reinforce their learning by giving additional examples and illustrations to the quiz questions; for example I explained that collusion is rampant in the industry but ‘guanxi’, building relationship through entertainment in business is an acceptable practise in China.
During design of this lesson plan, I have not given thought on their profile, but during facilitation I realized most learners come from Public or Institution sector with no overseas or private work experience, so I illustrated further by sharing my personal experience on entertaining the officials with good food and wine when I was working in China. Most were intrigued and show enthusiasm by my sharing by asking further questions.

Vary manner, pace or level of facilitation

I adjusted in my delivery of lesson in vary manner, pace or level of facilitation.
I try to improve my communication with learners, having a vary manner of delivery that allows both sides of the table to feel kind. For example, be direct and be kind; don’t make it personal; acknowledge everyone’s emotions and work on how to improve. I also realized most learners come from Public or Institution sector with no related experience, so I adjusted in my level of facilitation; for example in the 1st activity of group discussion, I gave more examples and probed them on their discussion.

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