Tuesday, June 12, 2018

M2 Design Lesson Plan

ACTA Module 2: Design a Learning Experience
Lesson Plan (for 4-6 hours)                                                                                                                                                Date : 9 March 2018

Program Overview

Designer / Developer
Phau Yok Eng

Course Title

Tendering of Interior Works – Introduction course

WSQ Competency Unit (if applicable)

Prepare and Facilitate a Learning Experience

WSQ Competency Elements (if applicable)
Not applicable

Include benefits to the participants / organization
The course covers a specialized topic on Tendering of Interior Works to improve the Interior Contractors’ and Building professionals’ knowledge on tendering
Performance Criteria/Learning Outcomes
(List the Performance criteria/Learning Outcomes for the 4-6 hours)

1)     Identify the steps to tender for Interior Work

2)     Differentiate the  Interior Work

3)     Apply the secret to win tenders for Interior work


QS Consultant

Target Audience
Occupation, job roles

This introduction course is suitable for :
·      Working adults currently in creative field and aspiring to join the Interiors construction industry
·      Current Contractors or Professions aspiring to specialize in the Interiors construction industry.
Assumed knowledge

Staff attending this course must fulfil either of the following requirements:
1)     Passion for Interior Works
2)     Basic English language and Literacy Skill

Learner Characteristics
E.g. Demographics, cognitive, affective and social characteristics


·      Gender: Mix of male and female officers
·      Age: 20 – 70 years old
·      Contractors or Professions currently or aspirng to join the Interiors industry
·      Must be team players, passion for the trade

Cognitive Characteristics

·      Able to grab concepts well and challenge concepts, able to question and actualize concepts
·      Current and aspiring contractors and professions who are self-directed learners, analytical and innovative and will to challenge new way of doing things.
·      Have an eye for details and complex works; able to multi-task.

Affective Characteristics

·      Learners must have strong interest in Interiors Work as it is a creative job that require intense study of designs in luxury market of 5 Stars Hotels.
·      They should also be motivated to acquire knowledge and skills in dealing with diverse groups like clients, consultants, suppliers, trades artisans etc

Social Characteristics
·      The person must be open to views, ideas and able to facilitate a discussion and decisions.
·      They should also uphold the profession values and ethics, be responsible, to behave professionally among peers.
·      Must be a team players 

Entire Course Duration (in hours)

4 hours

Class Size



Learning Institute, Level 7, unit 20

Lesson Plan
Timing / Duration
Specific Learning Outcomes
What learners will be doing
15 min

·      Let Learners know you

·      Get learners to know each other

Gagne Step 1 – Gaining Attention

Trainer’s Introduction


Learners’ Introduction
·        Everyone to pair up and will have a task to complete in 30 seconds before they rotate to the next person.
·        Here is a list of question :
- What's your most embarrassing moment?
- What's your favourite food?
- Who do you look up to the most?

·        The facilitator says stop after 30 seconds.
·        Everyone should know 3 new traits about other learners.

Facilitator to ask players to introduce themselves (e.g. name/profession) and them share the 3 new traits they learned about the other learners.

Play Speed Dating game with a twist

PowerPoint slide

Let Learners get to know you

Learners to get to know one another

10 min

Define Ground rules and Learning Contract

Define learning outcomes for the program
Gagne Step 2 – Informing Learners of Objectives &

Inform learners of Ground Rules and Learning Contract

Learning outcome :
·        Identify the steps to tender for interior works

·        Differentiate the  Interior Works – the good and inferior works

·        Apply the secret to winning  tenders for interior works

Short presentation


·     Listening

15 min

Stimulate recall

Recall Prior Knowledge

Gagne Step 3 – Stimulating learner’s recall of pre-requisites

Ask the class :
·        What do you understand the word “Tendering”

Debrief: Facilitator will go through the pointers highlighted on chart. She could further explain the points

Didactic      Questioning

Slides – Let’s Hear from you

Stand up and Answer Question

30 min

Identify the steps to tendering

Setting the Frame - Tendering Processes

Gagne Step 4 – Presenting the stimulus material

Present the development process flow chart and the tendering process flow chart.

Debrief : Explain the two flow chart – The project development flow chart starts from design stage, to preparation of tender documents, tendering stage, construction stage and final handover stage.
The tender stage for the contractor starts from invitation to bid, collection of tender document, attend site viewing, pricing of tender, submit tender bid, attend tender interview (if shortlisted) and negotiation for the award of tender

Gagne Step 5 – Providing learning guidance

-        Fish and Tail Picture Discussion

Group Learners into two group and each group’s task :
·        To draw the fish and tail diagram and indicate on the drawing the steps to tendering

·        To document discussion on flipcharts and share with the rest of the class


You must understand the steps to tendering before you can submit a good tender. Practice makes perfect

Short presentation

Discussion followed by group presentation


·      Slides – Let’s Hear from You
·      Flipchart paper


Writing discussion answers on flip charts and present

45 min

Differentiate the Interior Work of Hotel -good and inferior works

Do you have an eye for designs?

Gagne Step 4 – Presenting the stimulus material

Ask the class :
·        To watch a video

Debrief : Facilitator will highlight some key points in the video. The video shows the interiors of luxury hotels in Shanghai. The design and architecture speaks of expensive, refined, luxuries and elegant with local culture theme. Hotel designs are both form and function that produces simplicity in design works. Form is an art and function is science which gives guests a spatial luxury to experience unique accommodation delivering comfort and functionality and ensuring highly personalized experiences. The furnishing such as wallpaper, fabric and carpet are of high quality workmanship and material. Furniture are of great design, expensive wood and usually imported items.
Therefore for the contractor tendering luxury hotels, key attribute to good tendering is the ability to understand hotel designs and have an eye for details.

Gagne Step 5 – Providing learning guidance

·        Group learners into two group
·        Show questions in presentation slides
·        Each group to discuss:

-        What is good design (from the video)
-        Why is bad design (from personal experience)

·        Each group to write down discussion outcomes on flipcharts and share with the rest of the class


Facilitator will go through the pointers highlighted. He could further explain these points.

Watch Video

Video Case Study & Discussion


·      Slides – Video Case Study
·      Flip Chart Papers
·      Markers

Watch the video


35 min

Apply the secret to win tenders for Interior work

Are you able to win tenders?

Gagne Step 4 – Presenting the stimulus material

Ask the class :   To watch a video
To recap the site visit. Designer has briefed the tenderers on the quality and standard client expected of this tender submitted.

Debrief : Facilitator will highlight some of the points to look out for. Before showing the video, facilitator will throw hints on some key points to winning tender on the slides such as innovation, compliance, understanding the scope, delivery on time, budget, quality, highest value for money, experience and portfolio, best practices and standards and offer the least risk.
Then the video play will give the contractors a virtual experience of a hotel site visit briefing by the architect explaining some of the scope, quality and standard of interior design works expected of the hotel.

Gagne Step 5 – Providing learning guidance

Role Play – Tender Interview between role players A and B

Role Players A : Client, Designer & Consultant
Role Player B : Contractor

The contractor had submitted a tender for Renovation of a 5 Star Hotel Guestroom for 500 rooms and was invited for a tender interview.

Learners in role play will act out the mock tender interview and the questioning and answering between client and contractor will check for understanding on earlier discussion:

Facilitator will reinforce by asking questions  

·        In terms of visual, verbal and MI approach, which one are you most likely to use to apply in tendering to succeed?

·        This is a stage when the learners have to apply what they learned earlier on a video case study. The role-players should anchor on the fundamental knowledge and skills of differentiating interiors works.

·        The facilitator need to explain the technicalities and problems and why some contractors consistently lose out in tenders.

Watch video

Role Play


Slides with questions provided

Watch the video

Role Playing

20 min

Identify the steps to tendering

Differentiate the Interior Works

Apply techniques to win tender

Gagne Step 6 – Eliciting the performance

Ø  Learners to answer quiz questions


Gagne Step 7 – Providing feedback

From the quiz questions, learners are tested whether they can apply the knowledge from the role play and video to unfold the learning outcome

Do Learners possess these skills :
ü  Visual, Cognitive, Creative, Innovative, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Logical etc

These skills will help them unfold the learning outcomes


Slides – Quiz Time

Answer quiz questions

30 min

·        Identify the steps to tendering

·        Differentiate the Interior Works
·        Apply tender  techniques to win tender

Online Assessment on Learning Portal

Gagne Step 8 – Assessing performance

·        Provide the link to the online assessment on the Home Team Learning Management System (HTLMS)

-        Multiple choice questions
-        Case study

Case study
Multiple Choice

Laptop with Internet Connection

Complete the online quiz

30 min

Identify the steps to tendering

Differentiate the Interior Works

Apply tender  techniques to win tender

Reflection Time

Gagne Step 9 – Enhancing retention and transfer

·        Facilitator will flash the questions on the slide and learners to respond with answers

*     What differentiate good and inferior interior works. List 3 examples

*     Do you know one important to key to winning tender. Explain

*     How you would apply the principles back at work.

Didactic questioning


Reflecting and answering

15 min


Get the class to complete the evaluation form. This will provide feedback to trainer to improve on future lesson plan and facilitating skill.

Gather qualitative data

Evaluation form

Tick the choices of questions

5 min

Thank you

Thank the class for the opportunity to share and transfer skill and knowledge.  Hope this learning journey will ignite interest to join the industry.

Short speech



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