Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Acta M1 entry 1 & 2

E-Portfolio Module 1 Entry 1a
Reflection on how your learner’s profile will affect your training preparation (e.g. lesson plan) and training delivery. To provide example each for all the following

Learners have different levels of motivation, different attitudes about learning, and different responses to specific classroom environments and instructional practices. Understanding learners’ profile is a useful information when I plan the training programme as I would be able to contextualise the training to meet the learners’ different needs.
-        Characteristic : professional mid-level managers and those who are retiring soon and looking for 2nd career.  They are experienced working adults.
-        Ages : range from 30+ to 57 years old.

I have to plan my lesson plan to meet the different age group, e.g. when I plan the group discussion, I have each group to consist a mix of different age old so that they can draw on each other’s strength and experiences to add value to the discussion.
Cognitive Level
-        Characteristic of taking in and processing information, approaches to learning are deep and strategic, and also possess intellectual skill i.e. ability to know how knowledge should be acquired and evaluated.

As their intellectual level are about the same, I have no problem in planning the role play, video play and group discussion which require a lot of cognitive, multi-intelligence, verbal and non-verbal skill.
Affective :
-      Motivation to learn as learners like to engage in continual professional development
-      Most are comfortable with learning

As most signed up for this WSQ course due to the desire to learn and improve while still holding on to their full time jobs, their motivation level are high and I have to plan my lesson plan such
that they can feel engaged despite the busy schedule and tiredness from having to juggle work, family and class e.g. plan more activities and less lecture.

Social –
-      Communicate well with people, both verbally and non-verbally.
-      listen well and understand other's views  
-      prefer learning in groups or classes
-      enjoy working with a synergistic group of people.
As most come from managerial level in public sector or institution, they already have lots of experience with people. I can see that they can mingle well, able to talk about anything under the sun with their classmates. Thus I have no problem in planning any activity that require group co-operation and sharing.

  E-Portfolio Module 1 Entry 1b
Apply Adult Learning Principles in Training

Reflection on i. Application of 1 adult learning theory/Principles; ii. Potential learning barriers of learners and iii. 3 Differences between facilitating adults and children – Andragogy vs. Pedagogy (1b)
i.                 Adult Learning Theory

Malcolm Knowles an American educator developed the Adult Learning theory and stated that andragogy is the art and science of teaching adult to learn. Some of the characteristics of adult learners are self-directed and learning from experience, ready and motivated to learn and have an orientation to learning.

I recalled when interviewing the contractors, and teaching them to propose what is in the design concept. I explained to them during the tender interview and show them the samples of fabrics. As these are experienced Interiors contractors in the construction industry, they were confronted with the concepting and developing the designs of 100 different fabrics with various patterns, colors and thread counts to match clients requirement. The interview session was very engaging with clarifications given and every questions generated different opinions. But there were some who could not comply to the full fabric specifications.

After the study of Knowles Adult Learning Theory, I realized adults are resourceful, able to experiment on their own and learn when faced with challenges.  Those that were not able to cope effectively, I could have been more empathetic and acknowledged the constraints that some were facing. In addition, I could have given them more options with clear instructions, if time permits; or asked them to focus just on some of the fabrics during concepting to give them more confidence in trying.

Application of Andragogy in guiding the contractors in tender processes

I can apply these theories to my job situation, namely;
Mezirow Transformational Learning theory states that through seeking out the opinions of others, assumptions may be re-worked to build a new set of assumptions and beliefs.
I should check with clients, designers for more opinions and whether they are able to accept alternatives.

Garry Mitchell’s theory stated that people learn from their mistakes and through practices, also respond best when what they learn is presented uniquely for them. I should allow contractors to make mistakes and learn through practices, e.g. computer simulation for concepting and design development of fabric, carpet if time permits. I should treat each contractor uniquely and use different technique to present to them to overcome the problems e.g. orientate them around the problem to find a solution, like contractor unable to cope due to small scale factory, allow them to co-work with other company.

Kolb’s theory believes knowledge and experience can be used as a guide for active concepting. As these contractors are experienced in the trades, I should allow more time to let them use their experience and knowledge to experiment the concepting and development of design works.

ii.               Potential learning barriers of learners

 Barriers to learning as Cross (1981) had classified into 3 categories :
Situational--those that arise from one’s situation or environment at a given point;
Institutional--those practices and procedures that exclude or discourage adults from participating in organized learning activities; and
Psycho-social --those related to the attitudes and self-perceptions about one-self as a learner.

I applied for the scholarship to study in one of the university in China two years ago. I submitted my application to the university and was pleasantly overjoyed that I was accepted by the university. However subsequently I received another letter to say that they had to withdraw the scholarship, the reason being ‘the applicant is over 40 years of age at the time of acceptance’.

When I spoke to her on the pre-requisite for receiving the scholarship, she told me that I was accepted because I received the top student award when I took my UK degree 10 years  back, but the subsequent rejection of my scholarship was due to China government policy.  Despite my age in the 50s, I was able to overcome my psycho-social barrier as I knew many of the students were in the age group of 20s to 30s. However the barrier to learning I was facing is one of institutional. Institutional barrier is a tough barrier to overcome and I had to respect local government policy.


 Many adult learners like myself face many psycho-social barrier. One instance is most courses cost a few thousands and though I am able to claim up to 90% subsidy but I am stressed by the fact that if I fail, I may have to cough up from my pocket or pay more to pass. Another factor is health reason, as we age, our brain power are not as sharp and retention rate low. Also I suffer constant tiredness due to multi-tasking several jobs and interests, also interpersonal friction due to course mates with different personalities; e.g. hyper sensitive, afraid to lose, mental block, refuse to accept others’ opinion, communication gap due to generational or cultural gaps.

However I will overcome these personal psycho social barrier and continue to pursue my goal through life-long learning. I can also use my knowledge to advise some of my friends and motivate them to pursue life-long learning despite any barriers they may face.

iii.              3 Differences between facilitating adults and children – Andragogy vs. Pedagogy

The 3 differences on characteristics of experience, orientation to learning and motivation between andragogy vs. pedagogy; and possible facilitation that I can adopt are as follows:

Adults come with reservoir of practical experiences from workplace and life, they can relate the theory to what they have already experienced.

Facilitate adult learners, such that they can tap on their experiences and ask them to relate to the theory learnt in class.

Create activities that use their experience and knowledge so that they can see gaps in their work and apply knowledge learnt to unlearn old and seek new way of doing work.

Children have little to bring to the learning place in terms of personal experience. Thus children need teachers directed learning.

Teach children as they are dependent on close guidance from teacher;

Concept development begins in early childhood Design learning based on the appropriate child developmental milestone would enhance their learning.

Orientation to learning
Adults will learn when they are faced with a problem orientation to learning
Facilitator needs to find out and anticipate the problems learners encountered;

Design training around life situation & learning goals. E.g. design a course on “Improve professional communication in an adult education program”;

Develop performance competency based Learning experiences.  
Children focus on the subject to acquire knowledge for use at a later time.
Teacher interacts with children to find out their level of knowledge on a subject matter;

Design the learning outcomes to meet children’s ability to learn  i.e. specific on the curriculum offers;

Learning experiences should be split into bite sizes as children need time to absorb the teaching.

Adults’ learning are driven by internal and external factors 

Identify adult learners’ needs and direct their own learning experience, adults usually perform/learn based on personal interests;

Offer incentives and monetary rewards as a form of recognition for adult learning 
Children learning are driven by external factors

Require clear instruction and detailed curriculum to direct the learning;

Children are generally not motivated by external factors e.g., rewards to learn.  

iv.              3 Differences between facilitating adults and children – Andragogy vs. Pedagogy (continued)


 I will apply the andragogy knowledge to my work by involving all in the project team in mutual planning, identify resources to accomplish the objectives and sets up strategies to use those resources to reach the objectives. Encourage all to use self-directed initiatives to achieve the objectives with guidance. Involve them in evaluating the outcome and objectives. And assess performance by the objectives achieved.

I will apply the pedagogy knowledge to children like my nieces by teaching them through reading, or use game to build their early concept development e.g. Make a collage or nature book from nature walk.

E-Portfolio Module 1 Entry 1c Apply Adult Learning Principles in Training
Reflection on Different learning styles of learners

The four learning styles of adult learning (VATK) developed by Dunn and Dunn to consider when designing and delivering training are visual, auditory, tactile and kinaesthetic.

Visual learners respond to learning style: "Show me and I'll understand, and mostly benefit from diagrams, charts, pictures, films, and written notes.  Auditory learners tend to benefit more on lecture-style teaching, presented through speeches or information.Tactile learners need to be actively involved as they receive and process new information; can remember complicated directions once they've acted them out. They are usually good at sports, cannot sit still for long and likes role playing. Kinaesthetic learners tend to benefit more when totally engaged with the learning activity. They acquire information fastest when participating in a role playing, field trip, dance, or other active activity.

Learners are not fixed in one category as they respond to learning based on context and goals. Therefore it is important to help learners to build their skills based on preferred style or modes of learning. To understand one’s learning style, VATK questionnaires was used as an activity in class by one group of learners.  The participants gained insights into their preferred learning styles after completing the questionnaire.  Many of us in the class belongs to “Tactile learner”. For the purpose to deepen the understanding of VATK, participants of the different learning styles were asked to form groups to discuss on their preferred learning style. Through the session, it generated ideas through discussion; and a deeper understanding of oneself.  

Using participants’ contribution that were all written on the whiteboard to unfold VATK learning styles will be more impactful to learning.  One important aspect in adult learning facilitation is to engage participants – that is to utilize their work done.  It is important that learning design and delivery that facilitator offers has to take all learning styles into consideration to enable learning more effective.


Most contractors are tactile and kinesthetic learners. They visit sites often, need to move around and be involved in the site environment, to touch and see design works, use their hands on site while answering to the problems. 
I would involve them on their tactile and kinesthetic learning style to solve concepting and site problems. A lot of co-ordination between different trades and producing the right prototype samples is required. I will encourage them to use technology to do concepting simulations and co-ordination drawings on the computer. These tasks allow them to demonstrate their hand-eye coordination and keep them engaged to find a solution to the many sample development and co-ordination problems cropped up during tender interview.

E-Portfolio Module 1 Entry 1d Apply Adult Learning Principles in Training
Develop strategies to promote retention of learning.

The strategies for retention learning are:

• Rehearsal – Learners retain information best when they are able to internalize the information through more practises. Based on learning pyramid, practise has 70% retention.

• Meaningful learning – relate new information to previously learnt knowledge
 Every learner is different as they come with varying reservoir of experience at work and life, and their participation in the assignment will vary.  Get them into groups so that they can collectively share their knowledge – and then have one to share how they can relate this knowledge to the new information learnt. Based on learning pyramid, discussion has 50% retention.

• Organisation – make connections between pieces of information
With a baseline in place, it’s now time to expand upon the content. The best way to do this is to ask questions based on the “reports” from the groups. Ask other groups what they think about one group’s approach. Ask for demonstrations and scenarios. Based on learning pyramid, demonstration has 30% retention.
• Elaboration – expand on information based on what learners already know
Now that the content has been thoroughly researched, discussed, questioned, and expanded, it is time to for the learners to apply it. To do this, give them some sort of challenge. It can be an exercise, case study. Whatever the challenge is, it needs to relate to the subject at hand and draw upon, or expand, the topic. Based on learning pyramid, demonstration has 30% retention.

• Visual imagery – form a mental picture
The experience of visual memory is also referred to the mind's eye through which we can retrieve from our memory a mental image of original objects or people.  This approach is to give the learner some sort of assignment as the first learning experience, prior to the actual training. It gives the learner an opportunity to collect content based on the topic. This include reading some sort of case study or watching a video online. Based on learning pyramid, audiovisual has 20% retention;

• Primacy and Recency is referring to the theory and application that follows. For example, a new product or service is released to the market. The first step in the promotion process is to contact those who may be able to feature the product in a news story, interview, or other introductory venue. Next, the product is advertised. Adverts place the most important and attention getting information at the beginning. Followed by a brief explanation in the middle, and end with a memorable statement designed to persuade the potential customer to buy. The goal is to have you remember the end of the advertisement and thus buy their product.

Application - Develop strategies to promote retention of learning.  

I will apply primacy and recency strategies in my work.

When tender is called, the goal of client is to receive a tender offer that is within budget, quality and time. The tender process from primacy to recency is handled by me. I can use this strategy to constantly remind contractor that if they want the job, they have to work within the constraints.

As 70% of a memory is lost within the first 24 hours after meeting. Therefore I would require my contractor:

Immediate application and repetition - actively recall the information and write it down.


Micro learning the knowledge – Giving them bite-size pieces of crucial information as it is considered the most effective instruction method.


Contextual guidance - in the form of step-by-step walkthroughs the instructions/guiding the whole process of work to unfold the outcome I expect from them while constantly reminding them to work within the contraint.

E-Portfolio Module 1 Entry 2 Apply Adult Learning Principles in Training
Apply code of ethics for Continuing Education & Training (CET) Professionals in adult education (Application).

My reflection on applying CET Professional code of ethics

As trainers, we must endeavour to adhere to CET professional code and ethics guideline at all times to ensure we can maintain our professionalism and standard in training. How we behave as CET professionals, our values and ethics in conduct as a trainer shape the next batch of practitioners. Our values and attitude will serve as the foundation that fuel and sustain the trainer/learners relationship within the community. Values can be nurtured through a variety of ways, including induction, practice, socialisation, or even self-discovery.

We must be committed to training, fully aware of our roles and responsibilities of a Trainer, and to encourage mutual respect among diverse cultural learners, able to apply teaching techniques based on every individual’s potential to learn. We must constantly evolve, improve and renew our personal skills, abilities and attitudes as a trainer so as to ensure personal competence. We must also be innovative, keeping an open mind for change and perform with integrity and objectivity.

We must be aware of common ethical Issues involving trainer and learners, and apply strategies to resolve conflicts, providing a standard that is justifiable by using a common good approach to solving ethical problems.

Two code of ethics of continuing education & training (CET) Professionals in my role as a trainer.

Firstly for adult learning principle on ethical issues relating to training is the role and responsibility of trainer. Apart from the role of trainer to offer knowledge and expertise, trainer should be fair and equitable, be open and approachable, not listening to complaints of other learners and form judgemental opinion on some learners. Being fully aware that like workplace there is inevitable politics, so is classroom learning among learners. Some may come from certain sectors and have preconceived rumours, gossips of particular learner, they may take classroom learning to attack on the particular learner. Some are arrogant, presumptuous, thinking they know it all, and use their own little knowledge to attack other learner during class lesson under pretext of sharing. Therefore trainer must be skilful to manage adult learners' ethical issues.

Secondly as a trainers, we must be mindful that adult learners come from all races and religions with own sets of beliefs and values. We must promote culturally inclusive and harmonious community. Our design materials must not show any disrespect to any culture or belief. We must display sensitivity and empathy when dealing with adult learners of diverse culture and belief.

Application on CET Professional code of ethics

As a learner in adult learning programs, I will abide by the adult student’s learning contract e.g. to fulfil the minimum attendance requirement of 75%, complete all assignments and assessments, contribute actively to class activities and discussion.

I will also abide by the ground rules set down for the training e.g. to respect classmates, like be not too quick to judge and trainers,;  do not speak when trainers are speaking; see frank discussions as healthy, and last but not least to play my part as a learner.

I should also be sensitive to generational and cultural gaps as learners come from all religion, beliefs and ages, e.g. do not pass stereotype remarks like “younger generation are not street smart, always so trusting, so believing everything that’s spoonfeed to them.” Or why all chinese are so ‘kaisi’, ‘kaisu’ (afraid to lose)” etc. I must also not impose my values and beliefs on others, e.g. if I value branded bags, I must not pass remarks like, “you so poor in taste, cannot see value in a good quality bag”.

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